Sunday, March 28, 2010

Learning new skills.

I have been learning to build my own website. I am just at the beginning but finding it very interesting and I am learning a lot. I learned that I had a few SEO (search Engine Optimization) skills and did not even know that I had them. It is awesome to me to find out that all along some of my prayers were answered and I never even realized it.

I had prayed for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for so long concerning building a website. I also asked for the same thing to help build my business of nigerian dwarf goats and goat milk soap. All  made from the milk of my goats. I had no idea that all the things that I was doing and learning were called SEO. Who knew?

I took a class and was so shocked to find out that everything the instructor was teaching I was already doing. I never knew what it was called. Now that is truly God's wisdom. He fills us with our hearts desires then all of the sudden pulls the blinders off.  Wow, now we can see that all along he was there leading us and guiding us from the very moment we asked. I am just at the start but cannot wait to increase in the knowledge of everything I am learning. To me learning is so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. When I first started building my website, I had NO clue what I was doing either! Thankfully I have FrontPage which made the whole thing easier....


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