Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Way to Offer Pat Coleby's Minerals

 Free Choice Minerals

I have been an avid follower of Pat Coleby's methods of raising livestock. I purchased her book 'Natural Goat Care" in 2007 and have been following natural alternatives for taking care of  my animals since. In her book she suggests making a stock lick, which is loose minerals all mixed up and feeding it to your livestock by top dressing it to their feed. As time went on I had learned that she had changed the way she was using the minerals. To my relief and to all those who have large herds, this new way is more more efficient and 100% easier.

Instead of mixing the minerals together by certain amounts, and feeding each animal a certain amount in their feed, you put the minerals in single containers and feed them all free choice. She also has added straight lime, as well as salt. The list of minerals needed are,
1. Copper Sulfate
2. Yellow Dusting Sulfur
3. Dolomite or Min-Ad
4. Sea Kelp
5. Straight Lime
6. Salt
7. Baking Soda (Not recommended in Pat Colby's book, but I chose to always have it available for all livestock)
 If boron would be needed, she still suggests feeding the proper amount required for each animal individually. Also, you must always keep dolomite out anytime you have Copper sulfate out. I just always make sure each container is full and top dress them when they need it.

Proven Results

I have been following this method of giving the minerals free choice for 4 years now, and my goats have never been healthier. The very first time that I put them all out free choice in their own containers, I was so afraid that I was going to kill my herd and they would all keel over dead from copper poisoning. Well to my surprise none have and I am so convinced this is the best way to offer minerals that I tell everyone I can. My animals health is the most important thing to me and this way of caring for them has kept my herd from all sicknesses and diseases.

They also have had no worms to speak of going on seven years now. Each fecal test comes up negative. I am 100% convinced in Pat Coleby's methods simply because of the proof in my herd. 

Cheap way to make mineral feeders

I am very resourceful and try to make use of things. Instead of running out and buying mineral containers, I decided to use old coffee cans, cut the fronts down and screwed them all to the wall in a straight line. These coffee can mineral feeders work great for goats and horses.


  1. Hey Jenny, I just found your store! Awesome... I hope it stays! Thank you...

  2. Hey Jenny, I started a forum for those who are interested in Pat Coleby's methods. If you want check it out at http://forums.lindercroft.net/, you could be a great help!


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