Thursday, January 22, 2015

Clouded Percreption

I was out in the barn the other day, cleaning out the pens. Usually this is a daily chore that I undertake with out putting much thought into it. Aw, but "TODAY", it would be different. For the first time in a long time, I had my eyes opened, and behold I saw things for the very first time in a new light.

These are moments I believe the Holy Spirit speaks to us and most of us go about our daily lives and think nothing of his gentle whispers. He speaks ever so softly and tenderly, that at times we believe it is only our own vague thoughts. He had me stop, look around the barn and take a visual inventory of all that my husband and I have accomplished and all that he has blessed us with. So many times, I am too busy to stop and see our progress in terms of blessings and actually accomplishing our dreams and goals.

I absolutely LOVE the moments when God speaks to us and we actually see through his eyes and understand our lives on his level. God had given us a farm. God has given us a barn, God has supplied us with a life that he knew would suit our needs and answered  my hearts cry.

I would love to have tons of money and have the most miraculous barn, pens, fencing, self waters, you name  it, that life could offer. Animals are my love and passion. Too many times we think of all the things we do not have instead of all the things we have. If I were filthy rich, all of my money would most likely go into my animals and facilities. I get frustrated most of the time because our farm is put together as an as needed basis. In other words most or our pens are make shift and are for now things, that usually become permanent. I want fancy expensive pens that you don't have to hold together with wire. I want gates that actually function properly and you don't have to climb over just to get in the pen. I want all of our property fenced in so that we have separate pastures with gates big enough that our tractor can go through for mowing.

My point is, that my desire to have things just perfect, clouds my heart from seeing the blessings my father has so graciously given me. I am so blessed beyond measure to be able to have animals that I have always desired, a farm to actually manage and work, property with excellent prospects to expand in the future. I looked out over my daily routine and saw, "through my fathers eyes". Wow! I truly am blessed. God has so richly blessed me. I have a husband I adore, a partner that helps all of my dreams come true, animals to care for and love, and a farm to help take care of. My whole life I wanted to be and marry a farmer and low and behold, I have become one. "

"Thank you Father for my daily routines and all the many things you help me to accomplish on a daily basis. I am forever grateful.", your daughter and child, me.

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